Steps to Process Canada PR


The system of PR is widely known as the Express Entry System. It is the fastest and most popular way of gaining Canada PR for Indian citizens. It takes less than 6months to process applications under this category. The only thing is that you need to possess skilled work experience in a professional job sector among other criteria.  Under this system, there are 4 economic visa programs that are available and easy to follow. The list is as follows:



  • Federal Trade Workers Program (FTWP)


  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)


  • Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)


Studying in Canada and then proceeding for a job is easy too. Students who studied there can apply for Canada student visa since the education and work experience helps a lot while immigrating. This is done via the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) wherein the higher is your score, the greater are your chances to migrate to Canada. International graduates can apply anywhere while those still qualifying can apply where they have studied to gain PR.


  • You need to meet the specific age requirements (65+ is allowed).


  • You need to have a minimum education qualification (secondary school is a must).


  • You need to have language proficiency in at least 2 languages (English and French).


  • You require not less than 1 year of full-time work experience (30hours per week for 12 months).


  • You need to obtain the required adaptability points (not less than 67 out of 100 points).


  • The visa fees are 550CAD for the primary candidate.


You will need to check the information on any other visa details with your visa consultants. Also, seek their help for any kind of assistance on this subject.


The following is the list of documents needed for a visa to Canada. Some documents may not be necessary. It all depends on the type of visa or immigration program you have selected.


  • Valid Passport


  • 2 Passport size photos


  • Bank statements


  • Resume/CV


  • Letter of Acceptance for student visa only


  • Family information


  • Proof of valid job offer only if applicable


  • Education Credential Assessment if applicable


  • IELTS/TEF Language test results


  • LMIA document if applicable


The process is as follows:


  • Meet all the requirements and criteria


  • Submit all certifications and assessments


  • Create an Express Entry Profile


  • Keep documents ready to apply


  • Submit visa application within 60days


  • Submit medical test results


  • Visa stamping


Having a Canadian PR means you receive all government benefits, free medical facilities, unemployment insurance, old age insurance, free education, etc. 


What is work culture?


Work culture also called a workplace culture or a working culture is the set of values, beliefs, attitudes and systems along with a set of assumptions that people in a particular workplace share. This culture is thoroughly shaped by factors like social and cultural context and individual upbringing.


Work culture in Canada


The work environment is different for citizens coming from other countries. Due to these differences and challenges, newcomers are unaware of this new working style. The initiative needs to be shown by the newcomers as the employers shouldn’t think that lack the drive to work.


Taking feedback in this work needs to be learned. The communication style of giving feedback is indirect in nature. It can get really confusing as one may not be able to identify the hidden messages and may end up not taking corrective actions thus damaging their careers.


Since there exist cultural differences, the following are the skills needed while working in such an environment- integrity, team participation, having an open mind, tolerance, flexibility, positive approach and attitude, time management, presentation power and skills, leadership qualities, and being able to motivate your fellow workers. Also focus on being a good listener, speaker, and socializer. A point to remember is that all Canadian employers want to hire those who possess not only technical and hard skills but also soft skills.


The best way to avoid tension and obstacles is to have an understanding of other cultures. Learn to accept the differences, avoid making fast judgments, prevent conflicts at work, have an open mind, and reduce stress. Gaining visibility in such an environment is helpful. Tell people about the project you are undertaking. It’s good to make them aware to gain self-recognition rather than boasting.


Networking is of essential importance and references play a huge role when It comes to the question of hiring. Knowing more people increases your chances of getting hired. Agencies here connect you with the people working in companies you apply in and after you get the job, you are charged a minimal amount in return for their services. To seek a job, finding the right people and the correct information is the key to success. Continue branching and building relationships not only within your company but also outside in groups and various other fields to help keep you marching ahead.


In Canada, it is very common to do odd jobs like being a driver, work at a supermarket, etc. Such jobs are done to earn a little extra and are not looked down upon. Such odd jobs here are considered equal to a corporate job. Equal respect is given for such jobs too.


Working your way to the top is not that difficult in Canada. You will have to start with a basic minimum salary. However, it entirely depends on the field you working in. Your resume having such job experience may not be of utter importance but could definitely help you somewhere down the line.


There are no office politics as the people who are gentle and polite have absolutely no interest in such matters. This is a totally opposite scenario compared to an Indian office environment. Meeting deadlines and doing quality work is top priority. Even if you waste your time elsewhere, it doesn’t matter until you have completed your assigned work.


Canadian companies ensure that their employees feel relaxed and they are provided with recreational facilities like short trips to the park, gym memberships, gift cards, etc. Knowing a bit of French will help you out here as this language along with English is commonly used. Also, the employers stress on understanding your career goals along with your personal goals thus helping you achieve more progress in your professional and personal growth.


Canadian Work Etiquette


  • Create a good first impression.


  • Look and smell presentable.


  • Avoid lying about your credentials or other information on your resume.


  • Observe proper table manners. Eat with confidence.


  • Avoid taking or making phone calls until it’s an emergency.


  • Ask for a proper place to be seated.


  • Answer all the questions asked. Be relevant and focused regarding your answers. Avoid talking unnecessarily.


  • Watch your body language and tone of voice. Use polite gestures and greetings before and after the interview/talk. Avoid risky and inappropriate jokes.


  • Start a voicemail service. Maintain good phone manners too.


  • Be polite. Avoid interrupting. Ask questions and contribute to discussions by showing your interest.


  • Have a proper email address. Avoid using fancy or inappropriate names for email addresses. It is wise to keep a separate email address for job purpose only.


  • Making eye contact is a must and considered respectful too.


  • Make and give proper introductions of yourself and also while you introduce others.


  • Apologize when you realize your mistake or when you have done something wrong.


  • Avoid arriving late for meetings. Inform if you are unable to make it on time or for any other reason.


  • Learn to mind your own business and not interfere in others personal matters.


  • Maintain good relations with one and all. If you are being mistreated with, approach the supervisor and discuss your issues if you cannot confront the person directly.


  • Hold the door if someone is behind you.


  • Do a little research if you have to deal with people from other cultural backgrounds.


  • Manage time and resources wisely.


  • Submit your work and meet the deadlines on time. Be regular too.


  • Put efforts as a team. Avoid working aloof. Giving and getting opinions is a healthy way of working.


Benefits of working in Canada


  • Job security


  • Higher pay


  • Less work and more holidays


  • Leave benefits


  • Better work satisfaction


  • More employment opportunities


  • Cheaper cost of living


  • High economy rate


  • Sophisticated job market


  • Diversity in population


Work towards obtaining a PR in this developed nation where life is easier and more comfortable at all stages.