Benefits of studying in Australia


Australia a popular destination for students from around the world to get their top education there with some renowned universities. Australia is ranked 3rd among the top study abroad destinations. Indians are ranked at the 2nd spot after China for sending the students to Australia for further studies.


Once Australian Immigration revised the policies for the international students wherein, they are allowed to study, work, and stay in Australia depending on the course selected and the period required to complete the course or up to 5 years depending on the enrollment.


The key factor for applying a student visa is they need to have Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) submitted to the Department of Home Affairs for the Australian Government, Overseas Students Health Cover (OSHC), and compulsory English Language Proficiency test score to apply as a student.


How Australian Universities Benefits International Students?


Australian Universities, Schools, and Colleges helps the students for gaining practical skills and knowledge that helps the student to succeed in their chosen field. It inspires the students to bring creativity in every discipline. They help the students to always move ahead and walk-in hand with the fast-changing world.


Australia excels by setting international standards at the global level in the field of education with the help of excellent training facilities, outstanding lecturers, and student support facilities.


Many of the degrees and vocational courses opted in Australia include work experience and internship programs to get hands-on experience, knowledge, and professional network. After completing your degree course you may be eligible to stay & work in Australia. Some courses allow the students to work up to 20 hours a week during semesters and full-time during semester breaks.


While you study in Australia half a million international students will join you there as it attracts people from all over the world. You get a lot to explore in Australia its people, cities, natural beauty, fresh air, and blue skies.


Australian educational institutes make a student ready to work, understand, and get success globally as the qualification here will make you a potential employee in Australia, home country, and around the world.


Education Benefits of Studying in Australia


Australia offers over 22,000 courses with more than 1,100 institutions and students can study at all levels from primary, secondary, vocational education & training, English language courses, and higher education including universities.


Vocational Education and Training (VET) is based on the partnership of the government and industries in Australia. VET teaching staff are not only industry aware but also have actual experience in the field of expertise while you not only learn the theory part but also the reality of the subject.


Many of the VET courses assign a certain period for on-site learning which enables not only classroom learning but also ensures your qualification prepares for the employment in the industry you choose. The course period varies from 4 months to 36 months depending on the course you select.


Australian Universities and colleges offer different courses in various fields including Engineering, Information & Technology, Education & Training, Medicine Nursing & Allied Health, Business Management & Commerce, Agriculture & Science.


Get Counselling for further studies in Australia & Apply Australia student visa


Benefits of Scholarship For Studying in Australia


Australia offers many different scholarships, grants, and bursaries that will support you financially with your studies in Australia which is offered by the Australian Government, education providers, and other private & public organizations. Scholarships are provided based on academic merit for international students.


Applications and inquiries for scholarship in Australia are made by the scholarship provider and the major scholarship programs available for foreign students are:


  • Australia Awards – This program brings together scholarships offered by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Education, and the Australian Center for International Agricultural Research.


  • Destination Australia – Destination Australia Program is offered by the Australian Government for domestic and international students for studying in regional Australia. Over 1,000 scholarships are available every year and students will be able to apply for up to $15,000 per student, per year.


  • Australian Government Research Training Program – Research Training Program is a single pool for domestic and international students for supporting funds in the field of Research Doctorate and Research Masters degree.


  • Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowship – This scholarship is open for high-achieving female researchers from APEC economies for research work in partnership with Australian Education and Research Institutions. They support women’s economic empowerment and setting the high standards for females in the field of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Australian Universities


Australia is home to as many as 43 universities with one university campus in each state and territory. One of the best universities in Australia are:






Education System


The education system in Australia offers primary, secondary, tertiary education which is linked in different countries and the world. The academic year in Australia depends upon the type of study you are undertaking. Start dates of the courses, the number of semesters vary based on the course and the institution.


Education Services for Overseas Students Act (ESOS) protects the rights of the international students studying in Australia that includes:


  1. You get the right to receive, before enrolling, information about courses, fees, mode of study, and any other related information from your institution.


2. You get the right to sign the written agreement with your institution before paying the fees for the services provided, fees payable, and information about refunds of the course money.


Institutions responsibilities are as follows :


Orientation and easy access to support services that helps to study and adjust in Australia.


  • Contact details of the officers who will be helping international students.


  • Whether you can apply on course credit.


  • When can your enrollment deferred, canceled, or suspended


  • Attendance will be monitored for the course


  • Appeal and complaint process.


Students responsibilities


  • Fulfilling the visa conditions


  • Maintaining your Overseas Student Health Cover for the period of stay in Australia.


  • Meeting the terms of the written agreement with the institution.


  • In case of a change in address inform the institution


  • Maintain progress throughout the course.


  • If attendance is recorded for the course then following attendance policy


  • In the case of under 18 students, maintain accommodation, support, and general welfare arrangements.


Australia gives you plenty of opportunities as a student to explore the field of your choice, choose employment and stay in Australia provided you meet all the requirements as the student. Selecting Australia as a destination for completing your further studies will help in overall growth for employment in Australia or any other country including your home country.