Things to Do on Halloween in Toronto


Halloween season is all over in Canada. Adults are planning their parties and kids are on their way to find out new tricks for this Halloween. Every other year brings is own excitement and flavor on special occasions like Halloween.


Do you have any scary or rocking party plans for 2018? If not, we have some of the amazing ideas to make this Halloween party scariest along with the rocking fun of the event. If you’re going to visit Toronto then I am going to suggest you to hire Airport limo from the Toronto airport to dodge hassles of the city. Well, this article might have some hidden tips for you too. Let’s see, you find a trick or treat to get through the Halloween season in Toronto.


Things You Don’t Know About Halloween in Canada


Canada has changed a lot over the years and there are some of the very exciting trends of Halloween that are still attractive to the people. Celebrations are at the peak and streets are decorated amazingly or you can say horribly. However, there are some of the trends that were followed in the past and few are still considered the part of the occasion.


Halloween in Canada was celebrated after Irish were settle there and used to dress up according to the occasion. Soon, other started grabbing the concept and it became a festival. As it is one of the scary events and if you’re interested in some terrifying adventure, following are the ideas to opt-in Toronto.


Haunted High Park


This is one of the most travelled outdoor places for Halloween in Toronto. You can have a hiking experience and this park has a haunted history too.You can discover the historical tales of ghosts and also explore its grounds.


Halloween on Church Street


If you’re a party animal, then this Halloween specific event is for you. The Church Wellesley village is offering a rocking night on the Halloween. It will start at 6:30 pm, grab the costume, kidnap your friends and enjoy the party all night.


Night of Dread


It is a family-friendly event covering up the occasion like a pro. On the 27th of October, people gather and mock their fears. It is a musical and devilish night that can be enjoyed with any gathering. It also includes an hour-long parade; people are asked to dress up in the scary attires. Later, the music night starts which is also for everyone.


Legends of Horror


Are you looking for some terrifying experience? Well, the legends of horror house are waiting to frighten you on the Halloween night. This is one of the haunted houses that interprets the most classic horror figures like Dracula and many others. The tunnels of the castles and darkest corners will lead you the scary stories of the Halloween.


Haunted Houses


Haunted houses are not just a Halloween special. These houses have remained a fascination of writers too. We can find many novels and books on such stories related to witches, ghosts etc. We are not going in that detail but there some haunted houses in Toronto that you might want to visit on Halloween.


  • Queen’s Park


  • Royal Ontario Museum


  • Lower Bay station


  • The IT house


All of the above-mentioned places hold their own history of battles, ghosts, soldiers and many wicked stories are heard. It is only about the experience now. Halloween can be the most suitable experience for adventure lovers. So, if you’re in Toronto or about to land there on the Halloween season, it is the best chance to get the best of your time. You may need to book Airport Limo Services for you in advance, all else will fall at the right place at the right time. Just have the greatest and scariest vacations of all the time.